卯兔 52 設計師賀卡創作聯展 參展

Year of the Rabbit Greeting Card Design Exhibition

文化如何以設計的語彙重新詮釋,本次展覽邀請 52 位優秀的設計師、藝術家共同創作。以「祝賀」作為主題,透過豐富的視覺觸發觀者深度思考,創作以不同的觀點造就了多元的視覺表現形式,讓人發現這些習以為常的生活可以有無限可能性,重新認識設計或藝術對於文化之間的相互關係。

This exhibition invites 52 outstanding designers and artists to collaborate, exploring how culture can be reinterpreted through the vocabulary of design. The theme of the exhibition is "Celebration", which triggers deep thinking in the viewer through a rich visual experience. The diverse visual expressions created from different perspectives reveal the infinite possibilities in our everyday lives, allowing people to rediscover the interrelationship between design, art, and culture.

日期|2023 年 1 月 08 日 (日)-1 月 18 日 (三)

時間|11:00 - 19:00

地點|Bits & Pieces


協辦|Bits & Pieces、龍鳳活動整合行銷、九水印刷、采憶紙業



2023 年為癸卯年,天干「癸」屬水,地支「卯」為兔。五行中「水」屬黑,因此又稱為黑兔年。洞穴中的黑兔,透過不同的光影折射,依然綻放光芒。黑兔年也許有多災難性的傳說,依然期許大家以廣袤的心胸迎接新的一年,樂愛生活與其各個面向。

The year 2023 is the year of the Rabbit in the Chinese zodiac, with the celestial stem "癸" representing water and the earthly branch "卯" representing the rabbit. In the Five Elements theory, "water" is associated with black, thus it is also known as the Black Rabbit Year. Like a black rabbit in a cave, it still shines brightly through different light and shadow reflections. Although the Black Rabbit Year may have legendary tales of disasters, we still hope that everyone will embrace the new year with an open heart, and enjoy life in all its aspects.


Design: 1000 ChengMotion: 1000 Cheng