Simplex 是 simple 與 complex 的複合字,字面上的意思是「簡單的複雜」,隱含的意思是「人」。 但它同時也是數學上的專有名詞,意旨在 n 維空間中,取 n+1 個點,讓這些點相互連接,可構成 Simplex。 在零到三維空間中的 simplex,分別代表點、線段、三角形,與四面體。而這次動畫的主角即是三維的 Simplex 。 一如往常的話只說了一半,簡而言之是在描述人與想法的互動關係。

Simplex is a compound word of simple and complex, literally meaning "simple complexity", implied meaning "people." But it is also a mathematical term, meaning that in n-dimensional space, take n+1 points, and connect these points to each other to form Simplex. Simplex in zero to three-dimensional space, representing points, line segments, triangles, and tetrahedrons. The protagonist of this animation is the 3D Simplex. As usual, I only said half of it. In short, it describes the interaction between people and ideas.





"Don't treat your thoughts as yourself" is a concept taken from the book "The Highest Resting State", from which I have extracted interesting content. The book uses the metaphor of a train station and trains coming and going to explain that your thoughts are like trains passing through the station, but the trains are not the station itself. While reading this passage, I thought of a psychological term called "cute aggression", which describes the phenomenon of wanting to squeeze cute animals. Research has found that this is not abnormal, but rather a normal mechanism of the brain to balance emotions. Therefore, this also proves the concept of not identifying with one's thoughts.

Although the initial theme was "Don't treat your thoughts as yourself," during the story conceptualization process, it became clear that this was one of the concepts of meditation. Thus, limiting it to just this concept was too narrow, so I chose to focus on the broader concept of meditation itself. I wanted to use geometric shapes to tell the story. The protagonist is a triangle, and whenever he encounters other geometric shapes that represent thoughts, he transforms accordingly. Initially, he is curious and excited about the thoughts, but as more thoughts come, he becomes increasingly distracted and starts to transform faster and faster until he breaks down. Finally, he decides to close his eyes, go inward, and meditate by regulating his breathing, allowing his inner world to gradually become peaceful.



Director : 鄭詒謙 1000 ChengMusic : 劉翼翬 Yi-Huei Liou